Video sales, audio sales, layout, editing of short ads, digital photography.Experience in a broad range of vehicle and accessory development including manufacturing considerations for successful production startup.Complete modeling shop – Lathes, Break Press, Shear, Hydraulic Press, End Mills, Drill Presses, Cut off Saw, Iron Worker, Tube Bender, Plasma Cutter, Welders, Fiberglass fabrication materials and Quality Control gauges and tools.Programmable logic control systems and data acquisition.Production fixturing, machine automation, and test equipment design.Injection and insert molding part and tooling design.Complete CAD – Pro/E 2000i2, Mechanical Desktop 4.0, and AutoCAD.

Rapid prototype development and manufacturing – short and long run.Our state-of-the-art design capabilities include: If you have a bottleneck within your manufacturing process, we can get to the real root of your problem and solve it with innovative, real-world design, engineering that leads directly to zero-defect manufacturing. Our seasoned design and engineering innovators can take your idea for a product and develop your concept, implement it, prototype it and produce it.