It just activator or unlock the full version of application. Microsoft has volume licensing, and corporations and even home users can purchase volume licensing. The Key Management Service KMS is an activation service that allows organizations to activate systems within their own networkeliminating the need for individual computers to connect to Microsoft for product activation. Finding the KMS Server on your network rree fairly easy.
Select Install your KMS host key and enter the product key microosft your organization, then select Commit. Select Key Management Service KMS as the activation type and enter localhost to configure the local server or microsoft word activator 2019 free hostname of the server you want to configure. If you installed the bit version of Office on a bit operating system, go to the Microsoftt Files x86 Microsoft Actuvator folder. After finishing the process, Office will be activated. If we look for a quick resolution to this question we can finish very quickly, and that is KMSpico is nothing more than an insecure tool that is intended to activate Microsoft products in an alternative way, that is, without having the license нажмите для продолжения for this purpose.