
Counterstrike 1.6 dmg
Counterstrike 1.6 dmg

45 Tactical, the two will share an ammo pool of 100 rounds as they share the same cartridge. Prior to Global Offensive, if equipped at the same time with the K&M. In Global Offensive, the MAC-10 has an increased kill reward ($600) due to being an SMG. The MAC-10's reload time is somewhat long before Global Offensive, but is significantly shortened in Global Offensive. The weapon is very light and allows for a high movement speed. For those reasons, the MAC-10 is very uncommon and very rarely seen during public or competitive play. Its armor penetration is also weak, making it unsuitable for later rounds. The major disadvantages are its high damage dropoff (though its higher base damage compensates for it somewhat), bad accuracy (though moving inaccuracy is relatively low) and high recoil, which is mostly horizontal. It has a very high rate of fire and medium damage, and is a relatively cheap option ($1400 in earlier games and $1050 in Global Offensive).

counterstrike 1.6 dmg counterstrike 1.6 dmg counterstrike 1.6 dmg

In-game, the MAC-10 is a moderately powerful machine pistol available to only the Terrorists. The MAC-10 ( Military Armament Corporation Model 10, officially the M-10) is a compact, blowback operated machine pistol developed by Gordon B.

Counterstrike 1.6 dmg